2014, ഫെബ്രുവരി 1, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

Ayurvedic Remedies For Sinus Infection

 Ayurvedic treatment for sinus infection includes several methods that will put you at ease. Sinusitis treatment with ayurvedic remedies are sure to give you some relief! Next time, you need not worry about sneezing, coughing or a bad headache while you wake up in the morning.

1. Anu taila One of the ayurvedic remedies for sinusitis treatment are anu taila. When you approach an ayurvedic doctor complaining about sinusitis, he may certainly recommend anu taila, which is meant to reduce congestion. These oils are good enough to remove blocks from the nasal passage. Although initially you sneeze continuously or have a running nose, it is going to be all fine in a few days with the ayurvedic cure for sinus. ADVERTISEMENT 2. Khadiraadi Vati This is the next medicine your doctor can recommend while going for ayurvedic treatment for sinus infection. The medicine is mainly prescribed by the doctor to reduce inflammation. There are also other medicines like kaanchanaara guggulu and vyoshaadi vati which serve the same purpose. 3. Chyawanprasha Chyawanprasha is a common ayurvedic medicines recommended to cure sinus. Ailments like nasal allergies, body pain etc., are cured through chyawanprasha. There are also other medicines like Abrakha bashma and lakshmi vilas ras which are also used to treat ailments like body pain. 4.Chitraka hareetaki This is a medicine that is available in lehya form. This is one of the ayurvedic treatment for sinus infection and the medicine should be consumed regularly in the form which your doctor prescribes. Usually the medicine is consumed in a dose of two tablespoon along with milk. 5.Jeevandhara This is a combination of camphor and methanol and is used in sinus infection ayurvedic treatment. The medicine is to be added during the nasal inhalation of steam and is one of the best ayurvedic remedies for sinus. It is good if inhaled twice a day for about a week. This is certainly going to give you some relief! 6. A mixture Your body may be less in immunity and you need to build immunity and the first step to do it is remove toxins from the body. You can do it easily by sipping spring water all through the day. You can also add mint, cloves, ginger to your tea and consume for some extra relief. Also add turmeric, black pepper, fennel, cumin, coriander, ginger and garlic to the food that you cook. Sinusitis can be treated through a strict and good diet along with these ayurvedic remedies. Since ayurvedic cures are free of side effects, you are in safe hands.


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