2014, ഡിസംബർ 3, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച

10 killed in Colombia plane crash

________ A to Z kerala .......... [kvk] [www.atozkerala.in , www.atozkerala.blogspot.com]
Bogota: A total of 10 people were killed, including five children, when their plane crashed in central Colombia Wednesday, the civil aviation authority said.

The airplane, which was en route from the Colombian capital Bogota to Bahia Solano, a scenic spot in the country's western Choco department, was carrying eight passengers and two crew members.

Colombian company Nacional de Aviacion's plane crashed and burst into flames near the airport of Mariquita municipality, in the Colombian central Tolima department, Xinhua quoted the country's El Tiempo daily network as stating.

Tolima's police director Nelson Quinonez told media that five charred bodies had been recovered so far, but they could not be immediately identified. A search is on to find the rest of the bodies.

Quinonez said the pilot had asked for an emergency landing minutes before the crash.


ആബുലൻസ മറിഞ്ഞ് രോഗി തീ പിടിച്ചു മരിച്ചു.

[ The ambulance overturned and caught fire and the patient was burnt Pay caculans fell into the Kalad hospital and caught fire. Nadapur...