2014, ഡിസംബർ 7, ഞായറാഴ്‌ച

Police detain cab driver accused of raping woman passenger

________ A to Z kerala .......... [kvk] [www.atozkerala.in , www.atozkerala.blogspot.com]
NEW DELHI: Police have detained the taxi driver who allegedly raped a woman passenger in Delhi on Friday night.
32-year-old Shiv Kumar Yadav was detained from his hometown in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. 
Yadav, allegedly raped a 27-year-old woman in the cab she had hired to return home from a dinner party in Gurgaon last night.
The incident took place at around 9:30 pm. when the woman, who works for a finance company in Gurgaon, was headed back to her home in north Delhi's Inderlok area. "The woman had gone to a restaurant for dinner with some friends after her shift ended at 7 pm. One of her friends dropped her till Vasant Vihar from where she hired a cab run by a private company to take her to Inderlok," police said citing the complaint filed by the victim.
On the way, the woman dozed off on the back seat of the car only to wake up and find that they had stopped at a secluded spot.
She found that the car doors were locked and, when she tried to raise an alarm, the driver thrashed her and then committed rape, police said.
The accused then dropped her off near her home in Inderlok after threatening to kill her if she spoke of the matter to anybody.
"The woman clicked a photograph of the car's number plate and then made a PCR call to report the incident," police said. She was sent for a medical examination, which confirmed rape but showed that she was not given any sedatives.
