2015, ജനുവരി 18, ഞായറാഴ്‌ച

Last date for dIstribution of ration card forms extended

________ A to Z kerala .......... [kvk] [www.atozkerala.in , www.atozkerala.blogspot.com]
Thrissur: The last date for distribution of application forms for renewal of ration cards has been extended, according to State Civil Supplies minister Anoop Jacob. Earlier, the govt has said that application forms would be given only till January 17.

The list of ration shops where printed applications forms are found in shortage would be prepared and measures would be taken to address it. The minister said more details have been sought in the application forms inorder to make the cards a more valid identity. In case of any unknown errors in filling up of forms or wrong entries, no legal action would be taken, the minister clarified.

The govt is also taking measures to see that those with a decent means of income are not included in the BPL category, the minister said. 


ആബുലൻസ മറിഞ്ഞ് രോഗി തീ പിടിച്ചു മരിച്ചു.

[ The ambulance overturned and caught fire and the patient was burnt Pay caculans fell into the Kalad hospital and caught fire. Nadapur...