2016, ഒക്‌ടോബർ 19, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച

Which carbohydrate to eat ?

________ A to Z kerala .......... [kvk] [www.atozkerala.in , www.atozkerala.blogspot.com]

I have been asked many times about which
 carbohydrates to take by people on low carbohydrate diet but are missing the grains so much that they are almost crazy 😁
So here are my suggestions:

1) take wholegrains. The best wholegrain rice in the market in my experience is EcoBrown Gold.The rice must be well soaked though in order to take care of the anti-nutrient phytate.It is unfortunate that the excellent Kedah's organic,tasty wholegrains called Sri Lovely is very hard to get.

2)Basmathi rice is quite good n healthy. Especially the long grains ones.

3)Steamed sweet potato is healthy  n has additional carotenes which will be turned in the body into Vitamin A.Healthiest n most nutritious if the skin is eaten together.

All the above sources of carbohydrates have low to moderate Glycaemic Index  (GI) as well as Glycaemic Load (GL).This means that eating them does not produce high spikes of Insulin as well as surging blood sugars which may eventually lead to a condition called Insulin Resistance which eventually may lead to Diabetes,among others. A serving of them also has less total  carbohydrates than some other carbohydrates,hence more consistent with the low carbohydrate diet.
Apart from that,they also contain resistant starch which will be slowly digested in the intestines while also acts as prebiotics to promote the growth of healthy and beneficial bacteria in the gut.
They also come with vitamins and minerals plus other nutrients. Therefore a moderate serving of anyone of them may be acceptable and healthy even for diabetics on low carbohydrate diet.

What not to take:

1) anything made of wheat
2) white rice
3) potato


Of all the three,wheat is the most problematic.White flour is a refined carbohydrate,meaning it will be turned into sugar very quickly in the mouth itself and will produce spikes of Insulin which eventually can lead to the development of Insulin Resistance plus its subsequent complications.
Apart from that is problem of the modern wheat itself: high content of Amylopectin B and gluten.
These 2 components of wheat make it unhealthy for most of us, more so for diabetics,even wholemeal wheat for that matter.
Amylopectin B is a type of carbohydrates with high Glycaemic Index,hence will produce high spikes of Insulin upon eating.
Modern wheat (modern wheat is the result of very  intensive breeding since the 70's) also contains high amount of Gluten which has been implicated in so many chronic diseases.
Autoimmune diseases,Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus,Leaky Gut,dementia etc r among the conditions that have been attributed to the wheat gluten. In fact many top scientists in the West have given up on the modern wheat and are constantly urging us to abandon wheat altogether as the less inflammatory and less problematic wheat is almost unavailable now.
Try Google n read the writings of Dr Perlmutter,the neurologist who has researched n written extensively on the adverse relationship between gluten and the brain,for example. Therefore the best policy is no wheat,whether white bread or otherwise.
I have met Australian doctors who don't take wheat based foods and who also advised others to do the same.It must be more difficult for them to do that in Australia compared to us doing that in Malaysia.
With respect to the white rice n potatoes  (usually whipped potato or fries ) ,they are usually processed and prepared in such a manner that they are served to us essentially as refined carbohydrates: high in Glycaemic Index,turns into sugar very quickly in the mouth itself and devoid of other nutrients,vitamins,minerals etc n therefore are unhealthy.
Best avoided if you are a diabetic or are preventing yourself from developing Diabetes.
Just for interest,consuming wheat is associated with protruding belly called Wheat Belly
