________ A to Z kerala .......... [kvk] [www.atozkerala.in , www.atozkerala.blogspot.com]
They show you the way of life..
"A"lways "B" e "C" ool. "D" on't have "E" go with "F" riends and Family. "G" iveup "H" urting "I" ndividuals. "J" ust "K" eep "L" oving "M" ankind. "N" ever "O" mit "P" rayers. "Q" uietly "R" emember "G" od. "S" peak "T" ruth. "U" se "V" alid "W" ords. "X" press "Y" our "Z"eal.
They show you the way of life..
"A"lways "B" e "C" ool. "D" on't have "E" go with "F" riends and Family. "G" iveup "H" urting "I" ndividuals. "J" ust "K" eep "L" oving "M" ankind. "N" ever "O" mit "P" rayers. "Q" uietly "R" emember "G" od. "S" peak "T" ruth. "U" se "V" alid "W" ords. "X" press "Y" our "Z"eal.
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ